Original Music is an Option

You can’t get more original than original music! If you are looking for an original composition for your choreography, you will need to find a composer. The task is not as difficult or unaffordable as you think.

It’s All Relative

If you are looking for something pre-recorded and you have an idea of what you want it to sound like, head over to Spotify. I often ask my choreography students to try this when they get “stuck” on a popular composer. If you create a playlist, Spotify will automatically generate a list of “related songs” right below it. This is a great way to discover new artists in a particular genre.

Licensed for More Than Listening

An important and often overlooked consideration is copyright. Copyright protections cover both the recording of the song, as well as a song itself. If you are creating work in a situation where you will need to get the legal rights to use your musical selection, you may find this is more difficult, or more expensive, than you had imagined.

