1. You (and your fans) are in it for the long haul

You can’t judge the success of your residency on the first (or even the last) night. If you’re used to playing a show at a local club and getting 300 people out, think about your residency as a chance to throw a revolving party where those fans can pick and choose when they want to attend. They won’t all be there at once.

2. Your residency is all about location, location, location

There’s a lot to consider when it comes to picking the right venue for a residency.

First and foremost: do they host residencies? If not, can you convince the venue?

3. Timing is everything

As a general rule, there’s no “right time” for a residency, but there’s definitely a right time for your particular fanbase.

4. Variety is the spice of life

Residencies are usually longer gigs: 2-3 hours. So you can’t just play the same 45-minute set every time. You can’t just play the same three-hour set every time either!

5. Guests are golden

The best way to keep your residency dynamic is to highlight a different guest artist each night. Collaborate with them on at least a couple songs, or the whole set if possible. If your residency shows are long enough, you can even offer the guest their own set: opening, headlining, or sandwiched in between two of your sets.

6. Consistency is key

After all the talk about variety this tip might seem contradictory, but what I mean is this: don’t throw your fans for such a loop that they feel alienated.

