THE BEST: Switzerland

Hats off. One of the wealthiest countries in the world, no wonder they treat every artist like the Rolling Stones. Best hospitality on earth, hands down. The locals all look like super models. I’ve never had a soul-crushing gig in this country. It’s almost always open bar for performers and great pay. The clubs curate nights with passion and the sound guy is never a chump. The promoter cooks up a premium dinner, and we’ll sit around with the staff and eat family style. People here are reserved, but incredibly nice and stoked on live music. Nice hotels free of bed bugs and pubes are almost always provided.
- Artist Pay: 5/5
- Hospitality: 5/5
- Crowds: 5/5
- Transit: 5/5
THE WORST: Vietnam

(via)Don’t get me wrong, I love Vietnam. I loved it so much that I lived there for two years. But Asia in general is a bitch for indie music. It simply hasn’t developed yet. The war truly killed the arts scene in Vietnam, as communism relocated the artists out of the cities and crushed creativity. I can’t talk smack about Vietnam, because it simply hasn’t had time to develop musically. I have played a few epic landmark gigs in Saigon, but all in all it is a cover band’s paradise with minimal original music landscape. It’s been 3+ years since living there, so assume it’s improving.
- Artist Pay: 3/5
- Hospitality: 2.5/5
- Crowds: 2.5/5
- Transit: 1/5