Step 1. Let go of what you can’t control. And the most challenging part to accept? Most of them are completely out of your control. Check this out… Here are the most common…

  1. You’re too tall
  2. You’re too short
  3. You’re too pretty
  4. You’re not pretty enough
  5. You’re too handsome
  6. You’re not handsome enough
  7. You’re too fat (…)
Step 2. Focus on doing your best work. If your audition is good – if it’s highly competitive, complex and specific and you NAIL IT from beginning to end – they will remember you. Step 3. Don’t kick yourself if you don’t get the part. You know what often goes hand-in-hand with rejection?
  • Self-judgment.
  • Anger.
  • Despair.
  • Negative self-talk.