1. Clarify your vision

When you activate your imagination and visualize your success, you’re onto one of the best-kept secrets of Olympic athletes and high-level sport coaches. Visualization is the first step to creating anything. Take a moment to close your eyes and clarify your vision.
2. Create affirmations
To affirm something means to declare it’s true. Write your affirmations down and post them where you can see them the first thing and throughout the day.
3. Focus on your process

Keep your attention on what you are doing and nothing else. No distractions, no comparisons.

4. Positive thinking

Remember, the thoughts that flicker your mind will either be helpful or hurtful, so strive to keep your thoughts positive.

5. Let yourself shine

Instead of worrying, think instead about how you can fly, then spread your wings and go for it. Smile, have fun and be yourself.

Photograph by Ballerina Project.

