1. Life is change

I know that it may seem convenient to think that one day we know who we are, maybe after a certain number of performances we have done or pieces we have choreographed. But it’s – of course – not that easy.

2. Everybody goes through this

You think you are the only person who experiences these insecurities– maybe because you are not good enough? No.

3. Change your perspective

It seems like the moment we are in this insecure state of being we want to get out of it as soon as possible– perceiving this transitional period as something negative. But what if those times are actually the best?

4. Don’t compare yourself to others

Everybody is on a different journey. So don’t compare yourself to others in your class or company. They are where they are and you are where you are.

5. Don’t judge anything

Speaking about not comparing you should also not judge anything – yourself, your feelings, other people. Accept everything and tell yourself it’s okay to feel whatever you feel.

6. Go with the flow

This state won’t last forever. It is just a transitional path that takes your dancing to a new, higher level. Also, life never runs linear. You might have to take three steps back in order to move four steps forward.

7. Don’t take anything too seriously

And finally, do not take the situation or yourself too seriously. Of course we are prone to a sensation of “world weariness” if everything seems to be uncontrollably floating in space.

