TAKE ACTION 1. Brainstrom a ‘bucket list’.

i.e. What are all the things that you’d love to do or experience in your lifetime? Brainstorm a list – and don’t worry so much about what’s possible or how you might achieve it. You’re not committing to anything, so don’t sweat it.
2. Process of elimination.
When you have a good-sized list compiled, cut it in half, and in half again, and again, until you end up with 3-5 things that you feel the most excited about and drawn to.
3. Create milestones & binding deadlines.

Method A: Create some milestones, and set some binding commitments that you can’t wiggle out of so easily. Like learning the Rococo Variations by July, and playing it through for a colleague whose opinion you respect. Or on a master class at a summer festival. Or posting it on YouTube.

Method B (the fun way): Alternately, use loss aversion to your advantage, leveraging a site like StickK to ensure you stick to your goal. Essentially, the idea is to put some money on the line, setting it up so that if you fail to follow through on your goals, the funds will be donated to an organization (or presidential candidate?) that you passionately oppose.

But either way, try setting up milestones that are more evenly spaced, so as to force you to stay on track over a longer span of time, rather than putting all your deadlines near the end.

