Who or what inspired you to take up the violin and pursue a career in music?

A joyful introduction to the violin at the age of 4 left me utterly obsessed. It was, and still is, my toy. The career side of things just happened. There was no decision, just a natural process.

Who or what were the most important influences on your musical life and career?

Anyone I’ve ever loved, anyone who’s ever inspired me, anyone who I’ve observed pursuing their dreams without feeling a need to fit in. So much inspiration comes from literature or a chance conversation.

What have been the greatest challenges of your career so far?

For sure, working with groups of players who have no interest in selflessly pushing themselves to the highest level possible. It’s hard for me not to be affected when I work (increasingly rarely, luckily!) with those whose sense of their own achievements far outweighs what they are giving to the music.

It’s an unfortunate reality that this is an all too common experience in professional music making, although maybe the same is true in all walks of life.

Which performances/recordings are you most proud of?

None. I just can’t think in this way. Pride and nostalgia. I just play. I experiment in the room, I attempt to do something in that moment that I’ve not done before… and then I move on.

