Here are 6 guidelines that will help take the mystery out of launching your career:

  1. CHOOSE YOUR STRONGEST TALENT. Match that to the market that would provide the best opportunity.
  2. INVEST in yourself! Get the best photos, resume, demo reel and website. Get advice on your type and castability before shooting. Know the roles you can play and show that in your photos.
  3. TAKE CLASSES first in the areas in which you haven’t yet trained and are the most practical.
  4. SEEK A MENTOR TO GUIDE YOU. This could be a Marketing Mentor, Career coach, a Casting Director or an acting teacher with knowledge of marketing.
  5. MAKE A MARKETING PLAN. Research and create a list of all agents, casting directors, and current Prime Time, Daytime shows and Films in production. Do a Google search and set goals.
  6. MEET THE INDUSTRY when you’re ready. It’s best to wait until your marketing tools are up-to-speed and then get a referral to an agent.