Actress Holly Williams, who recently jumped to behind the casting table, shares some tips.

1. Look like your headshot.  When all I have to look at and remember you by is your photo, let it look like you. So much of casting is outside your control. Looking like you headshot is not one of them…

2. Make your resumes easy to read. I spent more time trying to hunt for information on your resume than I did watching your audition. Go to Paul Russell’s ACTING: MAKE IT YOUR BUSINESS book, turn to page 86 and follow the industry standard. I probably missed a marvelous part of your audition because I was searching for something that I should be able to find at a glance.

3. Keep your audition material up to date. Make it a goal to keep your audition material polished and ready to go when unexpectedly requested. This is in your control (see the pattern here?).

4. Be yourself. Have fun. Don’t speak unless spoken to. Put your professional game face on. Live in the moment once your audition begins. Politely thank them for their time and leave. If they are interested in more they will ask.

Photograph by Martin Shapiro.

