
Your answer is Moto Memory or Muscle Memory.  Your memory in choreographed dance depends on your neuromuscular systems to do their work.  Muscle Memory is also dependent on repetition and imagery connections.  A huge thing that helped me when I was a younger dancer in Drill-Team was a technique we named “calling it”.  Try to label each part of the choreography that you are struggling with.  Name the sections something that can provide you with an image in your head so there is a cognitive connection to the actual movement.  As you are dancing you “call it” in your head to help you remember the phrases that come next.
Here are some tips I have given students:
If possible stand towards the front of the class. This way you can see your teacher and not have any distraction in front of you. Sometimes the teacher will show a combination or step first. Watch them do it – don’t try to do the movement along with them. Just watch and take it in. When doing the choreography in groups, mark it when it’s not your turn. If it’s not physically possible to do this, you can do it mentally.